Law Firm Website

Law Firm


A web presence you can trust

Sandman Law Group is a group of attorneys based right here in New Haven, CT. They had very simple requirements for their website; they just wanted a basic website that shows all the relevant information about who they are and what they do. This site was done as a responsive website, meaning that the site automatically resizes itself to fit on any screen. Responsive websites look perfect on smart phones, tablets, and regular computers. You can even play with the browser window size to watch the site automatically adjust itself!

Mobile Reactive WebsiteResponsive technology is now included as a feature on all websites we do! It saves money versus having 2 (or 3 or more) versions of the same website made: a normal version, a smartphone version, a tablet version, etc. If you’re looking to give smartphone users a perfect mobile experience, responsive technology is the way to go!!