What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is all about getting to the top of google searches.

Why is SEO important?

For countless internet users, google is where they always begin. Getting the top results on Google is critically important for getting your website found. A recent study found that the average SEO campaign has a ROI of about 200%.

Keyword Research

SEO CTThe first step we take in any SEO campaign is to research the keywords you want to target. There’s a number of considerations here. For instance, you must take into account not only the popularity of each search term, but also the existing competition for each term, as well the the local results in your area. Obviously we want to target the most popular search terms, but it’s also very valuable to target less commonly searched phrases with less competition. In the SEO world, we call this short-tail versus long-tail.

An other key aspect is diversification of keyword targeting. We design each page of your website to target a distinct search phrase in order to maximize your results!

Title, links, and tags

Search Engine Optimization CTAfter we’ve researched our search terms and identified the key phrases we want to target, it’s time to incorporate these terms into your website. There is a myriad of different ways we embed these phrases into your site to ensure that google understands what each page of your website is about. This is the most technical aspect of search engine optimization and the part that comes to most people’s mind when they think of SEO.

Content is king

There’s a common saying in the SEO world: content is king. Google is very smart and, at the end of the day, the most important thing is building a website that actually has value to its visitors. This means providing content that the users will care about, whether that content is words, pictures, videos, or something else! We can help you to create great content that both your visitors and google will truly appreciate!

Link building

It’s all about who you know. If you can get good, high quality websites to link to your own website, Google takes this as an indicator that your website holds value. Why else would other websites be referencing you? For larger SEO campaigns, we can help reach out to other website owners and attempt to get backlinks to your website. Beware of cheap marketing firms that promise lots of backlinks. These are almost always dirt-quality spams sites. Getting links from those type of website will actually hurt your search engine optimization efforts.

Monitoring the results

Google Analytics
Last, but not least, is to watch what happens. We’re able to track all kinds of visitor information through the magic of Google Analytics. We carefully monitor your results to see what’s working and what’s not. How many visitors are you getting per day and where are they coming from. By focusing on the results you’re getting, we’re able to constantly adjust and really put the optimization in SEO!

If you’re looking for a new website and want to include SEO or want to apply SEO improvements to your existing website please contact us or request a quote today!