Core web technologies :
These are the bread & butter here at Webkudu. Most often, we’re running a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP5) stack. We believe in open technologies and utilize them whenever possible.
Programming Frameworks :
For larger, highly-custom websites, a PHP MVC framework is recommended. These frameworks are suitable for enterprise-ready web applications, i.e. ambitious startup companies.
Platforms :
Most sites do not require a full MVC framework project. Many sites are best suited to be hosted on a CMS or e-commerce system. There are many different options and each option is almost infinitely customizable. Don’t worry, we can advise which approach suites you best.
Operating Systems :
Here at Webkudu we do not discriminate. Linux is the tried and true standard of the internet, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only option! We do many types of projects, including on existing sites. No matter what your needs are, Webkudu is here to help!
The latest technologies :
We always opt for the latest versions of all our software and standards. Your website will be ready to take advantage of all the latest features!